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Keep Free Books Available to People at Rikers Island

Call for action:

It is our understanding that NYC Department of Corrections is planning on stopping Books to Prisoners and other prison book programs from sending books into the infamous Rikers Island jail complex. Rikers houses convicted people and pre-trial detainees. The NYCDOC’s Board of Correction released a communication which notably allows companies that sell books (Amazon, Barnes & Noble) continued access.

Please consider sending an email asking the Board to continue to allow nonprofit prison book programs to send books. Note that programs such as Books to Prisoners have up to 50 years of experience sending books to incarcerated individuals across the US without sending in contraband substances. Note how important it is that indigent prisoners and detainees have access to reading materials.

Forward the call to action to anyone you know in NYC – emails from NYC residents may be especially powerful.

You can email or leave a voice message comment at either or 212-669-7900, before the meeting at 1pm on Tuesday 3/14/23.

Our mailing address is:

92 Pike St.
Box A
Seattle, WA, 98101


Our headquarters are in Greenwood; please ask for the exact location



1-206-527-3339 (We may take a while to call back)

Volunteer Shifts:

Tuesdays: 4 pm - 8 pm
Wednesdays: 9:30 am - 1:30 pm, 4 pm - 8 pm 
Thursdays: 4 pm - 8 pm

Sundays: 1 pm - 4 pm

Books to Prisoners is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.


EIN 91-6172244

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