What in your past has led you to volunteer for BtP?
I love the notion of books going to people who have a strong need and desire for them and it’s a social occasion with my friends.
How long have you been volunteering?
Two months.
What do you get out of volunteering?
I love seeing the letters and imagining the lives of the person. It’s the one thing you wish you could know the stories of the people. I find the requests fascinating. From soup to nuts, it’s all over the map.
Background in criminal justice?
Have you become more interested in the subject since working at BTP?
I have an interest in social justice especially as it relates to civil rights and equal rights. I have a belief that prisoners don’t always get a fair shake. Looking at the letters, it really tells you a lot about the education and how varied it is. There are different stories out there. So yeah, it’s got me more interested in prisoners.
So what is your background in?
I am a retired executive for a communications company. So I’m just a retired lady now!
So you have time to give to BtP! Why would you recommend to other people to volunteer here?
“I think it’s a wonderful place to have a direct impact on somebody out there that has expressed a need and you are actively fulfilling a need. It’s nice. And it’s fun!
Do you do other volunteer work?
I work at the food bank and help people make their selections. I also work with the library foundation so books are a theme with me!